Challening Behaviors: The Importance of Intervention

 This is week number three on my journey to learning about challenging student behaviors. This week, I learned about the effect of intervention on students with behavior issues and how important and crucial intervention is for students when the intervention plan is made specifically to meet their targeted needs/behavior. Coupled with the problem-solving approach, an intervention plan can be used to identify a problem behavior that is the root of the surface behavior problems that the student may be experiencing in the classroom. It does take time, but having a team of different disciplines there to collaborate and come up with the appropriate recommended solutions to an intervention plan is super beneficial to the student who needs it (Coleman & McHale-Small, 2019). I learned about evidence-based strategies like skill instructions or positive reinforcements, and group contingencies that are very helpful for students in the classroom (American College of Education, 2023). Perhaps one of the most important factors that I got from this assignment was the fact that the implementation plan must be consistent and documented over an agreed amount of time. Data is crucial for student development and progress, as it is for any kind of improvement to happen, but it is certainly nothing without consistency and fidelity to the implementation process. As I made intervention plans for Camille, Jeff, and Jessie, I thought about my own students over the course of my five years of teaching. I really appreciate my special education teacher because an intervention plan is not an easy task, but it is so crucial for the success of students who need it, so if you are still in doubt about reaching out to get help for your student or child, just know that an intervention plan is worth it. 


American College of Education (2023). CI 5523 Interventions for students with challenging behaviors: Module 3 [Part 3 presentation]. Canvas.

Coleman, J., & McHale-Small, M. (2019). Interprofessional intervention for students with specific learning disability: By teaming with other school professionals, you can help students with reading and writing issues without maxing out your workload.


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